You probably know by now that I'm cuckoo for for bears and look for them all the time. Twice now in two weeks a bear has walked through the yard with our sprinklers on - traipsed right up the driveway toward the front door then walked off by the side of the house. The first time I saw the wet tracks as I was taking the dogs out at 5:45 am. Today, the dogs were done with their business and I was sitting on the couch with my laptop when I heard an unusual noise and the dogs gruffed. I got up I went to our side door and saw the bear sauntering off by the lake. I went to the front door and sure enough, wet tracks again. I had been sitting with my back to the front storm door not 12 feet away. Since this is likely to be repeated, it's time to start the video camera each morning so I can catch the excitement on video. BTW this is not scary - it is very exciting.
Sorry the only photo I got is the tracks - but if you want to see two bears I caught in one video from last week, check out this previous blog video.
What would you do if a bear came up to your front door?