
I moved to St. Louis in 1988. It was there that I built my recording studio and began doing more extensive music production. In 1991, I took up quilting (see my bio) and eventually found the Thimble and Thread Quilt Guild. I eventually belonged to three groups in St. Louis. 

This weekend I'll be heading back to St. Louis for a Homecoming Concert to pay tribute to all the wonderful folks that fostered me during my formative years as a quilter. I moved to Colorado in 2000, but I will forever be thankful to the caring and generous quilters in St. Louis for their friendship and encouragement. I'm so looking forward to being with the old gang one more time.

The concert is tomorrow evening (Friday), 7:30 pm at Lindburg High School. If you want to go and don't have a ticket and would like to go, contact me and I'll get you connected with the right person. Hope to see you there! - Ricky


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