My roots are in Texas and I'm a Texan through and through. Even though I've been living outside of Texas since 1988, there's nothing like finding things from 'home' that make one wax nostalgic.
As we drove through Texas yesterday it was evident that Spring had sprung there and the bluebonnets were in abundance. The bluebonnet (in the Lupin family) is the Texas state flower and I never cease to get a great deal of pleasure when I'm able to see them growing/blooming on Texas highways. In Colorado we have lupins that are similar - Justin and I saw a vine-like lupin at Machu Picchu that reminded me of bluebonnets, but nothing beats the real deal. So at a gas station stop I found a small patch and took about 100 photos in 5 minutes. The photo above was taken at that stop.
What is your state/provincial/country flower? Have you ever stitched it in a quilt - or do you have a desire to do so?