Occasionally we have wonderful musicians come through town. Accoustic Eidolon was in La Veta last night and Kat Bowser (see Blog Archives, December 24, the concert) went with me to hear them. I just had to tell to our TQS members because their music is so wonderfully crafted and many of you would really enjoy it. Joe and Hanna are husband and wife and travel the world with their music. Hanna plays cello and Joe has a custom two neck, fourteen string guitar. We are very lucky to have had them return to La Veta for a house concert.
To hear their music and order it online check out the Acoustic Eidolon website. They also have a newsletter that goes out about once a month with their touring schedule - who knows, you just might have the opportunity to see them in your neck of the woods - and yes, that included foreign countries!