Now some of you have been thinking that we are on the road right now. NOT! So, don't let the cold fool ya.
What's BTS? It's producer talk for "Behind the Scenes." The Production Files we do are BTS footage. It is not shot with the 'real' video cameras or fancy microphones. Instead it is usually nothing more than a home version camcorder. Sometimes I hold it - sometimes Alex holds it - and sometimes it is in Beverly Prices' hands. Here is a bit of BTS that will not be in the Road Trip show that posts midnight Sunday night Eastern time. We think of BTS footage as a treat for those who like a little extra insight into what we are REALLY like. Get hip - learn techy talk and start saying BTS.
What has surprised you most about Alex and I so far on TQS? And - Who wants to start the Justin Shults fan club?