I promised to follow up with a blog about Katie - she just celebrated her 5th birthday. However, the first year of her life must have been rough. She was found running wild, abandoned with evidence of abuse. The city had to use a trap to catch her - off to the pound she went.
Six weeks after Justin and I moved to La Veta there was a picture of her on the door of Charlie's Cash and Carry. It read, "time is running out". We'll, we went to collect her - to give her a chance, but we were honestly afraid that if we let her off a leash she would bolt and they would be using the trap again. We soon learned that she was sweetest and most loving dog. How could anyone abuse her? She has a scar on her back to this day. She was timid for a while, but now realizes that no one is out to hurt her and she loves to meet new people.
I sent this photo to the Page-a-day Calendar Contest in February of 2004. Lo and behold, she not only got into the best selling dog calendar in the US, but she won something extra. The caption told how she was almost put down and continued to say, "...this breathtaking scenery would be empty if the life of this beautiful dog had been lost. We're proud to name Katie Top Dog for 2005!"
We're lucky to have her. Shes a great dog.