Dear Alex,

I couldn't agree more. One year ago I was trying to develop a site that would be the home for a new quilt show, free from network executives and restrictions - hoping you would join me. The vision was sketchy at best. I've learned so much this year and have sooooo appreciated having you be my personal mentor to keep me from looking like a fool on camera. For me, the most rewarding and unexpected aspect of this endeavor has been the relationships that have been established.

First - you and John. When I look at our overall vision - and wonder how it can work, I'm just so happy that we all (A, R, J and J)bring something to the table. We have been blessed to get along so well and we always work out any challenges by focusing on our goal to do what is best for our community.

Secondly, the relationships with the production team. I would not have predicted that we would have become a family. The thrill of coming together for tapings was the highlight of my year. It was never 'all business' - but rather a gig with lots of fun, with folks that know their stuff - and to think my first inclination was to use only two cameras and do the editing myself -ha! And here, I should not fail to mention Web Guru Bob who has worked tirelessly and faithfully all year.

Finally, I would not have predicted that we would have created a HUGE worldwide family. While I know it was part of the plan - seeing it in action will forever be the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I could not have done it all without you - so thanks for your commitment and support.

Now is a time to reflect and renew - I've reflected here - I'll talk about renewing later. Everyday "It's a New Day!" and now we're coming upon "A New Year" too!

P.S. - Look for my online surprise tomorrow.


From Alex  - I Can't WAIT!!!! 


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