I referred to my Granny (as I often do) and her quilts during the opening of Episode 104. You can see one of her quilts under Find Out More on the Show 104 page. From 1979-1991, she was a widow and lived directly across the street from our home in Wichita Falls, Texas. Granny loved to garden! On occasion I did too.
During my college days, I planted some beautiful white Shasta daisies in our front flower beds. Year after year they would put on a glorious display. Granny had planted some wild petunias in her front flower bed. In about 1985, after I had gone off to seek my fortune (ha), Granny saw in her Farmer’s Almanac that it was transplanting time. While mom and dad were at work, she dug up our beautiful Shasta daisies and replaced them with her wild petunias. Needless to say mom was not pleased, but Granny insisted that plants needed to be moved around in order for the flower to put on their best show. We didn’t argue. It wasn’t worth it.
In recent years mom has tried to dig up those old petunias and replace them with something a bit less leggy. However, they are hardy and nothing seems to prevent them from coming up. So she finally gave up trying.
Granny passed away in 1993. Her house has long since been sold. The Shasta daisies across the street no longer bloom. However, Granny’s wild petunias persist. Every year about Easter time, those petunias start to bloom - some in the front flower bed of our family home, but most come up and bloom in the cracks of the driveway. Dad will go outside on a spring day, come in and say to my mom, “Granny is in the driveway!” – and we know she’s still with us.