
Ready to Sew in Cedar Park really did it up. They provided cowboy boot cups to each participant - a tribute to moi. Then, this little buckaroo - Ayden - showed up in his boots looking for the quilter/cowboy - hes' wearing my hat - priceless! Thanks to Ronna and Mike and the entire crew at Ready to Sew for putting on a great event and selling out all the spots in less than 48 hours! I autographed just about every boot cup that was given out!

Then, I drove on to San Antonio to get ready for my morning class. I arrived in town and stopped at FIVE hotels before finding a room about 11:00pm. No - I didn't do reservations ahead of time because i wasn't sure what town I would stay the first night. Then, the hotel - a very comfortable one - was having internet complications so I could not get online. I've made my way to a Starbucks - with T-mobile - just to post to you thins morning.

Thankfully, I have a different hotel for the next two days and maybe they won't have connection problems. Ah - the joys of the traveling quilt teacher! I'm typing as fast as I can - and will proof this post later today - so don't whine if I've misspelled enythang! I'll also poat another photo of the Ready to Sew gang later.

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