For three years, on my very short drive into town, I passed a fire hyrant that had not been painted in years. It caught my eye everyday because it was located across the intersection from a stop sign - so I couldn't easily pass it by without noticing it. It was not red anymore. the caps were a faded yellow and the main part of the hydrant was a very unusal coral color. The morning light would illuminate it. I loved it so much that I kept thinking, "I should go back and get my camera, the light is so perfect." But I would keep on going.

Last May, during my daily drive, I came to the stop sign and glanced at the fire hydrant. My heart sank. The city had repainted it bright shiny red. I had missed my opportunity to photograph it. The shiney red paint was typical and boring. I had had hundreds of opportunities to capture the image, but now it was gone - forever. Every day when I go past the fire hydrant, I'm reminded of lost opportunities.

Today we woke up to frozen fog that had enveloped the valley. It was one of those very busy days where taking time to stop was really difficult. Even so, I didn't pass up the chance to take a few photos and capture the beauty. What opportunites will greet you today? Will you grab them? Or will you let them pass you by - maybe forever?


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