This Group links with the thread 'Chinese Whispers for anyone' . We save our photos of quilts here so we can see them altogether. The original Chinese Whisper Challenge quilts are in the photo folder. We talk on the thread in the forum just post pics here. Please join in with us, you'll be very welcome.
The September Challenge was 'Yesterday'. November was Christmas Gift and the January one was 'Self Portrait' revealed on 31st December. April challenge was Inspired by Libby. The rules are on the first post of the thread and everyone is welcome to join in.
The current challenge is YOUR FAVOURITE BOOK.
Make a small quilt about 11" x 8.5" (or any size you choose), any technique but you don't talk about it until the reveal on July 1st (you can talk about anything else or other things you're making). Then say what your inspiration is and how you made it etc.,
Thanks everyone for my birthday wishes. I wish each and everyone of you a very healthy and prosperous 2015