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Show 901 - State-of-the-Art Quilting: Tradition Meets Innovation

Featuring: Susan Brubaker Knapp

Posts On: July 4, 2011


It's a true "multimedia experience" as quilt artist, teacher, and pattern designer Susan Brubaker Knapp joins the TQS gang on location at the home of Hugh and Dee Dee Eaton in Monument, CO. Susan shares some of her traditional and art pieces in a wonderful show and tell, and then - after a brief "musical interlude" (accompanied by Ricky) - she gets down to business, demonstrating her method for making consistently sized vines and her techniques for needle-turn appliqué. She also shows how she designs and creates a quilt using an original photo and her computer. We wrap up with a visit to The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, CO, which opened its doors in 1990 as a showcase for Colorado quilts and quilting.

Show Information

Links to Artists:

Susan Brubaker Knapp (Blue Moon River)

From Chapter One:

Susan Brubaker Knapp shares her quilting history and diverse quilts.

From Chapter Two:

Susan teaches great traditional tips and techniques for appliqué with her birds nest block (Get the Pattern Here) and heart block.

From Chapter Three:

Susan shows us her contemporary side by teaching how to take a photograph and create an art quilt.

From Chapter Four:

TQS visits The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum.

After Set:

Susan talks about her different sewing groups, the importance of taking classes, and her sewing studio among many other fun topics.

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