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Show 811 - Quilt a Fiesta with Tile-Inspired Quilts

Featuring: Cheryl Lynch

Posts On: May 23, 2011


Cheryl Lynch - quilter, pattern designer, author, and teacher - has found a creative way to preserve her travel memories: she turns her impressions into fabulous quilts. Recently, she has produced an extensive body of work inspired by the colorful tiled designs that she's observed while visiting Mexico. In addition to sharing some of these amazing quilts, Cheryl reveals three easy - and ingenious! - techniques for manipulating geometric images to create eye-catching designs, including one that utilizes Microsoft Word. She also offers great tips and techniques for embellishing and enhancing quilts with rickrack, and discusses the origins of her pattern company, Oy Vey! Quilt Designs, which specializes in Judaic imagery.

Show Information

Link to the Artist:

Cheryl Lynch

From Chapter One:

Cheryl Lynch shares her quilts and personal story inspired from Mexico.
Click here to order an autographed copy of Quilt Fiesta.
Martingale press

From Chapter Two:

From cut-outs to computers, Cheryl teaches several techniques to achieve stunning designs inspired by Mexican tiles.
Red Rooster

From Chapter Three:

Cheryl teaches fun embellishment tricks using rick rack to spice up your quilts.
Daytona Trimmings Company

From Chapter Four:

Cheryl shares her Judaic customs and creations.
Pomegranate Guild

#2 swanwatcher 2018-03-25 18:25
I pay a fee and can't see the show.
#1 msrscallop 2016-03-17 16:19
you were supposed to be showing free shows today. I am very disappointed that I can't watch show # 811. M.S. Rife :sad: :sad:
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