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Show 713 - TQS Quilting Legend 2010

Featuring: Yvonne Porcella

Posts On: December 20, 2010


Alex and Ricky head to the home and studio of art quilter, teacher, author, Silver Star Award winner, founder of the renowned Studio Art Quilt Association (SAQA), and 2010 TQS Quilting Legend, YVONNE PORCELLA. Yvonne shares her quilting history, and gives an "up-close and personal" look at some of her amazing and artful quilts and wearables. Then she puts on her "teacher" hat to show how she creates one of her Fantasy Faces and to demonstrate techniques for "taming" various types of silk fabrics. It's a show packed with inspiration, instruction, and heart...a fitting "grand finale" for the 700 series.

Show Information

Links to Artists:

Yvonne Porcella (No Website Available)

From Chapter One:

Yvonne Porcella talks about her history, growth, and influences that she has experienced throughout her career.

From Chapter Two:

Alex and Ricky join Yvonne and explore her studio, art, and textile collection.

From Chapter Three:

Yvonne teaches Alex a fun and freeing approach to making faces on fabric.

From Chapter Four:

Ricky learns from Yvonne how to create beautiful effects by painting on silk.

After Set:

Alex and Ricky hear about Yvonne's family in a personal and moving visit.

#28 Sbergum 2020-09-28 18:27
It’s been 15 years since I met Yvonne in Arnold. She popped in to my yarn shop. She talked quilting and shared much, but since it wasn’t my medium at the time, I was just happy to finish up a sweater for her. Now it is 2020, living in KY and full into quilting. Can’t tell you how sad I am that I did not realize what a powerhouse she was in the quilting world and that I did not take the opportunity to nourish a relationship with her. Thank you for this video.
#27 carrolllee 2017-09-25 09:25
There are no adequate words. Yvonne was at the top of the peak on mountain inspiration. Thank you, Alex, for introducing her to me as a viewer of Simply Quilts! And now for this beautiful piece on TQS with you and Ricky.
#26 LesMorris 2016-08-07 12:17
This has been a wonderful inspiration, a treasure of information and incredible tribute to Yvonne as a person & legend.
#25 mikoll 2016-08-07 11:29
Alex & Ricky, thank you so much for allowing us all to view this wonderful video capturing the essence and grace of a beautiful, talented spirit!
#24 Ruth A. White 2016-02-23 14:20
What to say. Such a loss to our community, but such a gift that she can still share with us through this vimeo. Thank you for opening it up for those of us who keep forgetting (chemo-brain strikes again) to renew our membership. She is still such an inspiration for quilters and non-quilters alike, and her bravery and outlook after her diagnosis is one that I keep in my heart. I'm still fighting my appendix cancer (diagnosed January 2009) and laughed and cried as she ran her fingers through her hair. I'm doing that too as I am in my fifth course of chemo and find myself rubbing the fine stubble on my scalp just as she talked about! And I understand now why bald men often put a towel on the headrest of their chairs! *grins* I am so glad you made this video and thank you again for sharing it. She was, and still is a treasure.
#23 Kathy Stambaugh 2016-02-21 14:15
Yvonne was my mom's dear friend in Arnold, CA. and truly a wonderful and positive lady. She was obviously very gifted in many ways and generous in numerous aspects of her life.
We can all learn from her example. We will never forget you Yvonne.
#22 Susanne 2016-02-17 19:14
Thank you for sharing this with us. What a wonderful visit with a remarkable lady.
#21 Sue Smith 2016-02-17 16:45
I'll never forget a vest I made using Yvonne Porcella fabrics--maybe in the late 1990's--very bright, beautiful fabrics--I wore the vest to the Paducah Quilt Show--I cannot begin to tell you how many people stopped me to ask about the fabric--2 people even asked to photograph it. Even though I didn't know Yvonne, I always thought "what a neat lady". If she only knew about all those people that admired that vest!
#20 papagoose 2016-02-16 08:38
Thank you, Yvonne. Your kind and loving spirit has touched my heart.
#19 Kathy Iskow 2016-02-15 20:50
She got me into quilting. The minute I thumbed through her first book, I was hooked and inspired to listen to my inner drummer. And it was OK to wear wild glasses. Thank you, Yvonne.....I will treasure your brave use of color and your inspiration.
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