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Show 704 - Circles, Curves, and Chocolate

Featuring: Dale Fleming

Posts On: August 16, 2010

You'll be going around in circles-the good kind!-when quilt artist, teacher, and author Dale Fleming reveals how she came to design her famous "6-Minute Circle." In addition, she shares her nifty technique for soft-curve piecing, offers some "gotta-try-‘em" tips for designing quilts that incorporate large-scale prints, and shows a variety of fabulous quilts to whet your creative appetite. Not only will you be informed and inspired, but you're sure to be motivated by Dale's "just do it" approach!

Show Information

From Chapter One:

Dale Fleming, Colorist and quilter, joins us on location in Livermore, CA.
Laverne Edwards
The Artist Way

From Chapter Two:

Dale teaches how easy it is to piece subtle curves
To order the book Pieced Curves So Simple - Click Here

From Chapter Three:

Dale teaches her 6 minute pieced circle and shares her quilts.

From Chapter Four:

Dale teaches how she thinks critically with fabric to create rhythm and balance

From The Afterset:


#1 Bonnie Schwinddt 2017-09-08 20:51
Great new ideas hope I can do them.
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