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Show 611 - Appliqué the Piece O' Cake Way

Featuring: Becky Goldsmith

Posts On: May 24, 2010


Appliqué lovers rejoice! It's time to meet, visit with, and enjoy the work of that hand-appliqué dynamo, Becky Goldsmith, designer and co-founder (with Linda Jenkins) of Piece O' Cake Designs. Becky demonstrates how to appliqué "the Piece O' Cake way" with unique methods that include making laminated appliqué templates, using upholstery vinyl for placement, pieced appliqué backgrounds, and her signature needle-turn stitching. Ricky gets in the act by showing how to use freezer paper to design original appliqué designs and, as a bonus, Alex demonstrates Texture Magic: how it works and the wonderful things - such as quilts, clothing, and purses - you can use it for.

Show Information

Links to the Artists:

Becky Goldsmith (Piece O' Cake)

Ricky Tims

From Chapter One:

Alex and Ricky play with Texture Magic.

From Chapter Two:

Becky Goldsmith from Piece O’ Cake joins us for show and tell.

From Chapter Three:

Becky demonstrates appliqué the Piece O’ Cake way.

From Chapter Four:

Ricky teaches a single shape appliqué designing technique.

After Set:

Becky talks about her partnership with Linda Jenkins, the history of Piece O' Cake designs, and shares what's on her and Linda's DVD.

Products and Artists Mentioned:

#2 bettyjanekrueger 2017-03-19 20:45
Thought you might enjoy a review of Becky.'s techinique.
#1 Lynne 2017-03-18 15:58
It seems they skipped a step -- how did Becky get the black outlined shapes onto the upholstery plastic?? Lay out the shapes on plastic in correct spots & drew around? Just a little lost right there...
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