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Show 610 - Piece a Perfect Landscape

Featuring: Cynthia England

Posts On: May 10, 2010


On the road again! This time, Alex and Ricky head to Texas to visit with quiltmaker, author, and pattern designer Cynthia England. In addition to treating us to a show of her work (and tales of the havoc wreaked on her studio by Hurricane Ike!), Cynthia explains how to break a complex design into manageable sections and demonstrates her award-winning paper-piecing method. She also discusses how a design wall plays an important part in her design process. In another segment, Ricky shows how to use bobbin work to add "pop" to an appliqué design and gives us a peek at his Dad's Lone Star quilt.

Show Information

Links to Artists:

Cynthia England (England Design)

Ricky Tims

From Chapter One:

Alex and Ricky visit Cynthia England in her home and expansive studio in Dickinson, TX.

From Chapter Two:

Cynthia teaches her award-winning technique of Picture Piecing.

From Chapter Three:

Cynthia shows how to take your own image and convert it to her style of piecing. Then, Cynthia shares her award-winning quilts.

From Chapter Four:

Ricky teaches bobbin appliqué.

After Set:

Cynthia shares an antique quilt top she bought and used as inspiration for a group quilt and talks about the outdoor wildlife in her backyard.

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