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Show 212 - TQS Road Trip - Part One

Featuring: Alex Anderson / Ricky Tims

Posts On: June 9, 2008

Ever wonder how quilters who live in the woods claim their quilting space? Or what exactly happened with quilting during the gold rush time? Looking for a fast and quick charity quilt? On the first TQS Road Trip (Part One), Alex, Ricky, and Justin take to the California foothills and discover the answers to these pressing questions. Travel, adventure, serious bonding, and lots of quilting trivia make the first TQS Road Trip an adventure to remember.

Show Information

Links to Artists:

Alex Anderson (Alex Anderson Quilts)

Ricky Tims

Bunny Rose

From Chapter One:

Alex and Ricky take off on The Quilt Show's first Road Trip, beginning in Alex's hometown of Livermore, CA. They start things off by playing a board game, Sew You Want to be a Quilter, while Justin takes on driving duty.

From Chapter Two:

The first stop is made at Lake Don Pedro, a beautiful lake in California, where Alex, Ricky, and Justin take a moment to appreciate its majesty. Then it's off to the Gold Rush town of Groveland, CA and a visit to Bunny Rose's store, Bunny Rose and Co. and Away in the Woods. Next up is a quilter's yurt in the middle of the forest, where many quilters are hard at work on their many projects, and a quick pop over to Bunny Rose's house to admire her work.

From Chapter Three:

Alex and Ricky offer up a tip from a TQS member for keeping your iron clean. We see where Alex and Ricky spent the night in Groveland, the Hotel Charlotte, and get a brief reprise of Ricky's piano performance from Suzanne Marshall's show. Afterwards, it's on to Columbia State Park and a stop at the Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing Store, which sells vintage fabric and reproduction quilts. TQS then gets a tour of the shop from owner Lindy Miller.

From Chapter Four:

Lindy shows Alex and Ricky more quilts featured in the store and offers more insight about the history present in the store. Then, Lindy demonstrates how to do an Ohio Star Block. We end Part One of our Road Trip show with Alex, Ricky, and Justin dressing up in period clothing and taking a tour of the different shops in town, including the candy shop.

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