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Show 1504 - Make it Special with Machine Embroidery

Featuring: Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero / Connie Fanders

Posts On: August 18, 2014


Alex and Ricky welcome artist and author Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero back to The Quilt Show studio for a look at some of her newest work, which marries machine embroidery with her trademark Kaleidoscope designs. Jeanie, a former software engineer for Hewlett-Packard, explains how to select an image, print it on fabric, transform it into a unique design using her Kaleidoscope Kreator program, and then enhance it with machine embroidery. In addition, Connie Fanders, Director of Education for BERNINA USA, shows a quick-and-easy way to make a rag quilt (and more) using your serger.

Show Information

Links to Artists:

Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero (Kaleidoscope Collections)

From Chapter One:

Connie Fanders, Director of Education for BERNINA of America, teaches a quick and easy way to make a fun and easy utility quilt (and more) on a serger.

From Chapter Two:

Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero shares her work and latest discovery marrying machine embroidery and kaleidoscope designs.

From Chapter Three:

Jeanie teaches how to create and transform a simple design into a spectacular kaleidoscope design on fabric.

From Chapter Four:

Jeanie takes her fabric creations up a notch with machine embroidery.

After Set:

Jeannie talks about her time spent working in a Vietnam orphanage and how its impact made her want to return there and teach English as a second language.

Products and Artists Mentioned:

#2 katsmeow 2016-04-13 18:57
can't seem to get the video. I have windows 10.
#1 NANCY Goodyear 2016-03-18 10:37
Why do you make visitors registration so difficult? My email has an @ sign and your site won't let me register:(ask9y
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