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Show 1412 - "I Can't Believe It's Pieced!"

Featuring: Cynthia England / Wendy Mamattah

Posts On: June 9, 2014


We return to Texas to rendezvous with quilt artist, author, and designer Cynthia England, who gives us a glimpse of what she's been up to since her last TQS appearance. Over the years, Cynthia has achieved a well-deserved reputation as an award-winning pictorial art quilter who—amazingly—builds her design with piecing, not appliqué. Here she unveils the tools and techniques she uses for her "forgiving" methods, and demonstrates a clever technique for attaching a sleeve to a small quilt or wallhanging that requires no hand sewing. Then we head off to visit fiber artist, writer, and designer Wendy Mamattah, originally from Ghana, who shares her Africa-inspired silhouette and symbols quilts, as well as her charming one-of-a-kind pin cushions.

Show Information

Links to Artists:

Cynthia England (England Design)

Wendy Mamattah

From Chapter One:

Cynthia England shares new ideas, techniques and quilts she is currently working - traditional quilts with picture piecing.

From Chapter Two:

Cynthia teaches her innovative picture piecing technique.

From Chapter Three:

Cynthia teaches how to attach a "no handwork" sleeve to your quilt.

From Chapter Four:

The TQS camera's go on a road trip to visit African quilter Wendy Mamattah in Portland, OR.

After Set:

Cynthia talks about the property she and her husband recently purchased and how they are fixing it up.

Products and Artists Mentioned:

#5 Corky 2017-02-21 13:12
I'm trying to figure out how to put some slack in the sleeve (for the flat 4" wide dowels to fit through for a larger quilt) that won't show when it's hung. I'll have to experiment. Can't wait to share this idea. Thanks Cynthia!
#4 Eileen Keane 2017-02-21 13:05
Since this show was shot a while ago, how is Cynthia doing now? She's such a brave lady, I hope all is well with her.
#3 AlexAnderson 2017-02-21 10:37
I went to the doctor about that on my neck and I am please to report it is simply old lady fat.
#2 Judy Kennedy 2017-02-21 09:08
Great show, and glad you talked of having Mammo and Ultrasound to be very thorough. My question is for Alex. What is the swelling on your neck? I have seen this before in my medical field. Swollen goiter/thyroid?
#1 Madonna C. Jackson 2017-02-21 05:38
Thank you for sharing. Cynthia England and Wendy Mamattha are so inspiring. Both of their unique styles and personalities gave me sort of an awakening to my inner passion and love of quilting. I enjoy traditional, but there is something rewarding about their form of creative art piecing. This was a beautiful and fresh presentation. :-)
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