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Show 1410 - You Can Have It All: Two Modern-Day Quilters Mix Old and New

Featuring: Bonnie Hunter / Shelly Burge

Posts On: May 12, 2014


The TQS gang goes "on the road again" for a visit with author, designer, blogger, and self-described "scrapaholic" Bonnie K. Hunter, who made her first quilt using her grandmother's cardboard templates. Nowadays Bonnie, who still enjoys stitching on her beloved treadle machine, uses a webcam so that her followers can watch her at work in her studio! In this show, Bonnie shares her quilter-friendly system for cutting and sorting scraps, her technique for making quick 2"-finished half-square-triangle units from strips, and her ingenious "Leaders and Enders" technique, which makes thrifty use of leftovers and thread. In addition, Bonnie shows how she builds a quilt using fabric "strings" and phonebook-page foundations, and how to play with the finished blocks. We end with a field trip to meet Nebraska quiltmaker, author, teacher, and quilt judge Shelly Burge, who currently incorporates copper crimping in her quilts—while curating her collection of over 300 (!) vintage sewing machines.

Show Information

Links to Artists:

Bonnie K. Hunter (Quiltville)

Shelly Burge

From Chapter One:

Bonnie K. Hunter shares her passion for scrap quilts along with her amazing quilts and story.

From Chapter Two:

Bonnie teaches scrap management for quick and successful results along with super piecing strategies.

From Chapter Three:

Bonnie continues teaching the tips and tricks of string piecing along with color common sense techniques.

From Chapter Four:

TQS visits Shelly Burge at home where she shares her quilts, stories, how to use copper in quilts, and her incredible sewing machine collection.

Products and Artists Mentioned:

#2 JudyLB 2017-03-20 20:34
Hi! I just finished watching 1410. Delightful! Thanks for extending your free weekend. I was a sad gal on Friday!
My husband's skiing out west and this is my time to sit and watch as many of your great programs as I can! And, I'm loving it! :lol:
#1 Colleen L Ross 2017-03-18 22:31
This is a fabulous video! Just saw for first time today! Post this more for others to see!
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