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Show 1205 - Picture This: Simplified Pictorial Piecing

Featuring: Sue Rasmussen

Posts On: February 25, 2013


Quilt artist and teacher Sue Rasmussen began her sewing career as an 11-year-old on an 830 Bernina purchased for her by her dad. In this show, she joins the TQS gang on location at the Main Street Quilting Company in Bozeman, MT, to demonstrate her terrific techniques for adapting a traditional pictorial block or personal photograph for simplified piecing. Along the way, she shares loads of good info on fabric choices, construction, and even on using your iPad for creating templates! Then we visit the Coffee Creek Quilters, whose quilting classes for women incarcerated at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Wilsonville, OR, have dramatically changed the lives of the participants.

Show Information

From Chapter One:

Main Street Quilting Company Bozeman WY
Sue Rasmussen joins us and shares both her story (starting with her first Bernina while riding horse back) and incredible pictorial quilts.

From Chapter Two:

Sue teaches the fundamentals of pieced pictorial quilts - including creating the basic roadmap for pieced pictorial quilts.

From Chapter Three:

Sue teaches how to extend her piecing technique to more complicated pieced images and how to construct.

From Chapter Four:

Sue teaches how to use your iPad to create pieced pictorial designs.
TQS visits Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Oregon

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