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Show 1202 - Make it Modern!

Featuring: Jacquie Gering

Posts On: January 14, 2013


Although she has only been quilting since 2008, teacher, author, (lifetime sewer) and Modern Quilter Jacquie Gering has already made quite a splash in the quilting world. Jacquie enjoys giving traditional blocks a fresh spin, and shares her technique for modernizing the classic Log Cabin block by altering the shape and size of the pieces and through adventurous fabric choices. She also demonstrates how to add lush texture to your quilts with straight-line quilting and the serpentine stitch. We then caught up with Alma de la Melena Cox, an artist who uses paint and fabric to create "quilts on wood", while she was teaching at Quilter's Affair in Sisters, OR.

Show Information

Links to the Artists:

Jacquie Gering

Tallgrass Prairie Studio (Jacquie's Blog)

From Chapter One:

Jacquie Gering talks about the Modern Quilt Guild and shares both her history and quilts.

From Chapter Two:

Jacquie teaches how to take the classic log cabin block and shake it up it Modern style.

From Chapter Three:

Jacquie shares her straight forward and fresh approach to quilting design.

From Chapter Four:

Jacquie answers questions from both the audience and Alex and Ricky. Then, TQS caught up with Alma de la Melena Cox, an artist who uses paint and fabric to create "quilts on wood", while she was teaching at Quilter's Affair in Sisters, OR.

After Set:

Jacquie talks about the dinner she attended themed around her book, Quilting Modern, and her Modern quilt aesthetic.

Products and Artists Mentioned:

#3 Trish Lediard 2016-07-31 15:27
Thank you so much for permission to be free and creative with the log cabin block. I just made a very tradional quilt working hard to make all corners match. With my leftover pieces I just made a very modern block that was so much fun and freeing. I am going to quilt it and make a pillow out of it as I am out of scraps. Thanks again for making it okay to be free of patterns and rules✂️✂️✂️
#2 rosemaryhowie 2016-02-08 06:14
Thank you for a truly wonderful inspiring show.
#1 Bobbi OBonnon 2016-01-17 17:19
I was truly glued to my computer..I understand this site has been on for a long time but I just found it!!!!!
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