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Show 101 - Get a Life!

Featuring: Joe Cunningham

Posts On: April 2, 2007

Joe Cunningham, avid hand quilter, shares a unique but time honored way to baste quilts in preparation for quilting in a hoop or on a machine. Show includes a visit from Bob, The Thread Guy, and a musical duo performance by Joe and Ricky.

Show Information

From Chapter One:

American Quilter’s Society
Town of La Veta
Ricky's Fire Dragon Rhapsody
Harley Davidson
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

From Chapter Two:

Click here to visit Joe Cunningham's website.

Music for Squares (Music CD)
Joe the Quilter (Music CD)
Joe the Quilter Musical (Video on DVD)
Basting on an Old-Fashioned Quilt Frame (Video on DVD)

From Chapter Three:

Click here for Superior Threads.

King Tut Thread
MasterPiece Thread

Musical Performance from Joe the Quilter CD and DVD

#4 shazzam221 2020-01-25 03:38
have found you again Alex after many years of Simply quilts missing from our TV in Australia, it is lovely to see you again. My kids grew up with Simply Quilts in the background..... .and i have missed it so much. Ricky's visit on that show was one of my favorite episodes - so glad you have got together and now with my membership I am so looking forward to watching from start to finish!! i have years to catch up on!!
#3 Susanjgp 2019-11-25 09:09
Alex Anderson "taught" me to quilt. Back when HGTV was a "How to Craft." I would listen to her and say to myself..."What in the world is she talking about?"

I watched for weeks and finally too my very first class ad boy was I hooked. That was some 20+ years ago, and I've never looked back. I am still getting inspiration wherever I can find it!

I love that I've found you and Ricky.

Thank you so much, Alex.
#2 Quayquilter 2019-06-21 06:40
I have been a member from before you even aired but as I now keep up to date with shows I am going to catch up with older ones from the very beginning in alternate weeks. Wonderful to see all those teachers over the years and learn so much and get to attend classes with some. Go Gyleen!! Mary in the UK
#1 PatsyNoelia 2017-04-03 13:15
Enjoyed this very much, you can't image how I missed seeing Alex on HGTV and when I heard she was on the net with this program, I tried finding her. It wasn't until the last couple of years that I got on here and so enjoy going back and watching older shows. What a way to start the Quilt Show, as I have enjoyed Mr. Cunningham and his lovely quilts for years and what can I say but Superior Thread is the only way to go! Happy 10th, and many more. May take me years to see all of the back shows but it will happen.
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