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Show 1007 - Simple Stitches, Super Quilts

Featuring: Pepper Cory

Posts On: March 26, 2012


Quilt-maker, teacher, and author Pepper Cory began her journey into quilting as a college student, with the yard-sale purchase of a handmade quilt. In this episode, Pepper joins us for a delightful show and tell, and to share the history and "how-to's" of the classic Japanese stitching technique called sashiko. She also presents vintage and contemporary examples of a traditional pattern from the Isle of Man that she refers to as "the original quilt-as-you-go" block, and demonstrates its assembly with a simple running stitch. Finally, Ricky provides the evocative musical background for a tour of the day's location, the Museum of Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM.

Show Information

From Chapter One:

Pepper Cory shares both her personal history and quilts.
Kasuri Dye Works

From Chapter Two:

Pepper teaches both the history and "how to" of the Japanese folk tradition of Sashiko
To order Pepper s stencils - Click Here
To order Grip – Its Click Here
Ruby McKim
To order Pepper s Colonial English needles Click Here

From Chapter Three:

Pepper continue teaching – this time how to make the Roof Tile block – which predates the original Log Cabin
Isle of Man
Libby Lehman
To order Peppers books - Click Here

From Chapter Four:

TQS takes a tour of the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe, NM with director Shelby Tisdale

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