Have you heard? Alex and Captain John are having a baby...okay it's a GrandBaby, but a baby nonetheless. Their son, Joey, and his wife Shelly, are having their first baby and Alex and John's first grandchild. In honor of the occasion, TQS is going to have a Baby Quilt Contest, but you have to play to win!
Here are the rules:
The quilt must be an original design.
It must be a finished quilt.
It should be no larger than 45" x 60" which is the size of a US baby crib batting and no smaller than 40" x 40."
There should be no embellishment that might be dangerous to a baby, e.g. buttons.
The deadline to enter is March 28, 2012. (The baby's due date.)
It's a Girl!
January 1st, an area will be set up in Show in Tell for you to submit your entry. Alex and John will judge the winner based on your photograph, so take a good photo! (Watch Episode 807 - Shhh!!! A Prize-winning Quilter Shares Some Secrets with Ronda Beyer and Gregory Case. Gregory gives you tips on how to take a quality quilt photo.)
The 1st place winner will receive a signed copy of Alex's Baby Quilts with Love and a selection of fabric from her new fabric line for P&B Textiles, Leila Rose. (You can find a copy of Alex's book on her website.) Second and Third place winners will receive TQS Super Goodie Bags.
Fairies and Little Girls Dance
Fairies and Little Girls Dance
Remember to Kiss Me Goodnight
Number of published images in category: | 151 |
Number of unpublished images in category: | 0 |
Category Viewed: | 56727 x |
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Fairies and Little Girls Dance

01. 04. 2012