Name of Maker: Jeannette Lloyd
Returning To My Path - Painted on Material using a variety of mediums, inks, stains and markers and crayons, then fabric applique on top and heavy embellishments with beads etc. I completed this quilt in 2011, however it began the year of my divorce while reminiscing over pictures. Returning to my path as a title was significant because I was doing alot of soul searching after starting over after leaving a 34 year marriage to my high school sweethear due to worsening domestic violence. I started over spiritually as well as returning to my journey of myself and this seemed appropriate. As often happens, the actually painting consumed me and it was one of those things where I didn't even eat or anything. The finishing of the quilt took a while. I was even afraid to quilt it because I was so happy with it. I couldn't even believe I had painted it on fabric. Now that I have added the quilting it took on even more dimension, so I am really happy with it. Even though I lost the place I loved so much, I will now always have it with me and in my heart forever!