Name of Maker: Mary Batzer and Lisa Burmann
Down at the Depot - Center medallion featuring my thread painting of the historic depot.
"Down at the Depot" is the 4th in the series that honors the historical and important
places in the Village and Township of Dryden, MI. It features a large, center medallion
with my thread painted interpretation of a pencil drawing by R. Mason (permission was granted
for the interpretation). It also features 20 machine embroidered vintage train engines and cars.
"Down at the Depot"
approx. 90" square
Original Design by Lisa Burmann
Pieced by Mary Batzer and Lisa Burmann
Machine Appliques purchased from: Joanne Daugherty, JED Creations
Quilting and Thread Painting by Lisa Burmann,
Binding to be applied by Mary Batzer
Raffle tickets will be available soon for $1 each and the drawing will be at the
Cookie Sale fundraiser in December, 2013.