Diagonal Wash - Made during a class with Lois Smith learning the colorwash technique. Machine quilted using metallic thread following the flower patterns on the backing fabric.
Shining Star - This was the mystery quilt we did at out guild retreat. We were only given yardages and color values. The end product was a complete surprise.
Primative: A Study in Black and White - Wall hanging made in a class with Lois Smith using Fibonacci numbers to determine block sizes. Machine pieced and quilted using various surface embellishment techniques.
Friendship House Quilt - Large center panel with multiple borders-feels peaceful, like sitting outside your home, on the shores of a quiet river, fishing pole in hand, eyes closed, memories arriving.
Wednesday Quilt - Belonged to a Wednesday group of quilters in Indiana. They submitted a pattern of the month. Quilt was made from the patterns from friends.
shades of blue - This is a quilt I made in a Class I took at Simply Quilts in Columbia MO. The teacher was Julie.
The class was based on the book Strips'n Curves by Louisa Smith.
Memories of Great Grandma - My Aunt gave my mother some appliqued flowers my Grandma had made. My mother pieced them together. I plan to machine quilt it and it belongs to my daughter.
Deer/Mountains - I was commissioned to make this quilt for a friend as a wedding gift for her other friend. It is a wall hanging. the top portion of the quilt is machined embroderied with the bride/groom names and wedding date.
Susan's Wheel of Fortune - This quilt measures 69X69 and was made during the cold, gray days of a Wisconsin winter, so I used very bright, vibrant colors and every day I entered my sewing room it seemed like summer!