This was made as part of a quilt challenge that I co-chaired for my guild titled, "HERstory; Notable American Women" featuring American women whose accomplishments occurred in or while representing America. I have had an interest in Susan B. Anthony since I was in college and did research papers o her. In 1978 I acquired 2 letters found folded inside some old books that I purchased. The letters were on National American Women's Suffrage Association letterhead and were signed by Susan B. Anthony. I wanted to use copies of the letters on my quilt and feature aspects of Miss Anthony's life that she was known for in history. While working on the quilt one day, I was listening to the news and was alarmed at some of the sexist/misogynistic comments being made by some of our current politicians. I had been reading many of Miss Anthony's quotes and realized that some of them were just as relevant today as they had been over a century ago. There wasn't room to include all of the quotes that I felt needed to be on the quilt, so a decision was made to make the quilt double sided. The back side of the quilt contains a timeline of Susan B. Anthony's life as well as her quotes. I added embellishments including feathers (from my fly tying collection), vintage buttons from a friend born in 1920 (the year the 19th Amendment was enacted), and a Susan B. Anthony dollar given to me by one of my co-chairs. The title of the quilt came from one of Miss Anthony's well known quotes. The quilt is being displayed at the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum in Adams, MA until Feb. 29, 2020, to be a part of the 200th anniversary of Susan B. Anthony's birth on Feb. 15, 2020. What an honor to be part of the celebration of this amazing woman's life!