The IMQE has been such a fun and delightful journey! In July of 2017 Rosemary and I started emailing each other almost daily, there were so many questions going back and forth as we tried to get to know one another. We could not believe how many things we have in common. From the teals, blues and green fabrics we both love, fabric designers we admire, patterns we have tried and still want to try, to the poems we both enjoy, even how similar our husbands names are. My husband’s name is Ken and Rosemary’s husband’s name is Len. After a short time we agreed to do a little block exchange to help us get to know each other better. The theme was a block for a sewing room wall hanging. Our only guideline was we would make 2 of each block, one to share and one to keep. It was like Christmas each time those little packages arrived. Oh, and all the colors are just lovely.
We really wanted our “little quilts” to be connected and as the weeks went by we discovered we both enjoyed a special poem by Robert Frost called “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”. This was it, we had our theme and we were off and running. It was so exciting to be working on this project together, but keeping all the details and the design a secret. The best part is we each have a new best friend!