PeggyS I joined IMQE at the very end of 2017 and because of that I was teamed up with Tatiana from Ukraine. It has been the most enjoyable ride and we have both agreed to continue our correspondence and friendship after the exchange. I cannot begin to tell you how many emails and photos we have shared. Having to translate from Russian to English and vice versa did not slow us down. I even got to know Tatiana’s husband Paul in some respects. He makes wine and kishmish (dried grapes) for his family. Through Google maps we shared our hometowns and almost literally walked through our neighborhoods. Because our initial contact was in December we shared Christmas traditions and I learned that in Ukraine they celebrate in January. Tatiana and I discovered we both enjoy nature, gardening and art quilts. We shared stories about family and pets. Early on Tatiana asked what I thought about doing "joint" work together on this project. I remembered a book titled “Quilt Blocks Around the World”, but Tatiana was not familiar with it. I shared a link on Amazon so she could see what I was referring to and that is how we agreed to make postage stamp quilts that highlight where we live. Details were not discussed, so each of us would create a quilt using our own ideas and techniques and of course maintain the element of surprise. I can’t wait to see my postmark! I must add, Tatiana has the sweetest smile.