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Legacy of 4 daughters


I made this quilt for my best friends mother on her 80th birthday Her mother has been a quilter for 60 years and we thought she would love to see

her family in a quilt.  I started with the matriarch in the center in B/W and Sepia tones and then gave each of her 4 daughters a quadrant of the quilt.

As with all families I think children add color to our lives so the quilt got more colorful as I worked my down to the grandchildren. I made sure to

incorporate pictures of the daughters and grandchildren with the quilts this grandma had made for them. She loved it and it hangs in her sewing room

to reminder her of her legacy.

Added: May 11, 2017


Name of Pattern or Block none
Owned By Anita Thomas
Name of Maker Tracy Fritchman
Name of Quilter Tracy Fritchman
Year Made 2015
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Dallas
Located in State Georgia
Located in Country USA
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Totally Original Design
Genre Art Quilt
Quilt Type Wall Quilt
Quilt Width 40
Quilt Height 62
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used Other
Fabric Used - Other Desc. Batiks and photo fabric
Construction Technique Pieced
Construction Technique - Other Desc. machine pieced and quilted
Piecing By Machine
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Quilted on domestic machine
Types of Quilting - Other Method metalic silver thread stiched in the ditch
Embellishments None


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