The third in my wholecloth series, although the fifth that I made. I keep having to get baby quilts made! This one just screamed to me about sunlight and plants and chlorophyl! Part of my experiment in doing this series (for my Original Works art quilters group, but also for sale) is using different types of "solids". This one is the first I've done on an actual solid. It is also rectangular and meant to be a customizable baby quilt, when it sells, I will stitch the baby's name in the center (or if not, when I give it away, since everyone I know is having babies!). Most of the threads are Superior Brytes, though there are a couple Floriani 40 weight poly embroidery threads and a couple variegated. This one has Dream Wool batting which is such a lovely washable wool for babies. The back is turquoise Shannon Cuddle fabric. I did piped binding so it is extremely washable.