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Shelby's Florida Room

Shelby's Florida Room - This lovely quilt was made for my daughter's bedroom in our Florida home. It was designed by one of the owners of my local NY quilt shop and featured in BHG Quilt Sampler magazine.

Added: Nov 17, 2013


Owned By Jane Newman
Name of Maker Jane Newman
Name of Quilter Jane Newman
Year Made 2012
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Mt. Dora
Located in State FL
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Excellent
Design Source Purchased Pattern
Design Source - Published In Connect Four Quilt
Design Source - Designed by Better Homes and Gardens Quilt Sampler
Design Source - Pattern Name Brynne Sigg
Design Source - Description This lovely quilt was made for my daughter's bedroom in our Florida home. It was designed by one of the owners of my local NY quilt shop and featured in BHG Quilt Sampler magazine.
Genre Traditional Quilt
Quilt Type Large Quilt
Quilt Width 80
Quilt Height 110
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used Commercial Batiks
Construction Technique Pieced
Piecing By Machine
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted, Quilted on domestic machine
Embellishments None


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