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Black Leathered and Feathered

Black Leathered and Feathered - Faux Leather, quilted with feather-quilting as the centerpiece of the stitching, with polyester thread, in colors that complement one another beautifully in deep, rich tones of copper, fuschia pink, golden brown. Custom, intricate, quilted details of multiple motifs make it a statement piece.

Added: Nov 15, 2013


Owned By Leslie McNeil
Name of Maker Leslie McNeil
Name of Quilter Leslie McNeil
Year Made 2013
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Great Falls
Located in State MT
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Totally Original Design
Design Source - Description Faux Leather, quilted with feather-quilting as the centerpiece of the stitching, with polyester thread, in colors that complement one another beautifully in deep, rich tones of copper, fuschia pink, golden brown. Custom, intricate, quilted details of multiple motifs make it a statement piece.
Genre Contemporary Quilt
Quilt Type Table Runner
Quilt Width 10/75"
Quilt Height 54
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used Other
Fabric Used - Other Desc. faux black, washable leather
Construction Technique Whole Cloth Quilt
Piecing By None
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted


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