GrannieLou1945 COUSIN'S REUNION - I made this for a cousin's reunion in Aug. 2012 - one block for each state from which the cousins came to the reunion. Some blocks were traditional (Ohio Star, etc) and I designed some totally from scratch (ND & WA). We hung the quilt between US and ND flags on the cabin porch at the lake where the reunion was held and drew names for it at the end of the celebration. The blocks represent (from top left) 1st row:Ohio, North Dakota, California - 2nd row:Utah, New York City, Washington - 3rd row:Florida, Illinois and combined Arizona/New Mexico. I quilted in a couple of eagles, lots of stars, a New York beauty circle around center block and other symbols for each state block. The backing is like a North Dakota blue sky with fluffy white clouds. It was a big hit and luckily my son won the quilt so I will get to visit it occasionally. We had 4 generations at the reunion - from ages 5 to 81 - and a great time was had by all.