lizzyanne Eclipse - This was a brown bag (round robin) challenge issued by Sandy Corry, here in Australia. We each made a centre block -mine was a foundation pieced feathered star - and we passed the bag around for borders to be added. We had specific instructions i.e. add a 4" border with triangles, or, add an 8" border with curves etc. It was nervewracking trying not to mess up other people's quilts, but challenging & fun too! The quilt tops were revealed at a luncheon and I quilted mine in 2011 when it won the Viewers' Choice award at the Jacaranda City Quilters' exhibition in Grafton, N.S.W. Then in 2012 it was 2nd in the group category at The Sydney Quilt Show and also won Best Use of Colour at the Lower Clarence Arts & Crafts Show in Northern N.S.W. The borders were added by Christine Mitchell, Barbie Davis, Joanne Harland, Lynne Vincent & Sue Hayward. Thanks ladies!