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Jarron con Flores

Jarron con Flores - La tela de lienzo antiguo es de principios de 1900, está tejida a mano. La pieza de organza tiene una fotografía que he imprimido en ella con el ordenador, es transparente, detras no lleva ni boata ni trasera. The Antique Linen fabric is from early 1900, is made from non-industrial loom. The piece of organza has a picture that I printed on it with my computer, it is transparent and has no batting and backing behind.

Added: Nov 22, 2011


Owned By Angelines Artero
Name of Maker Angelines Artero
Name of Quilter Angelines Artero
Year Made 2011
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Zaragoza
Located in Country ES
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Totally Original Design
Design Source - Description La tela de lienzo antiguo es de principios de 1900, está tejida a mano. La pieza de organza tiene una fotografía que he imprimido en ella con el ordenador, es transparente, detras no lleva ni boata ni trasera.

The Antique Linen fabric is from early 1900, is made from non-industrial loom. The piece of organza has a picture that I printed on it with my computer, it is transparent and has no batting and backing behind.
Genre Art Quilt
Quilt Type Wall Quilt
Quilt Width 100
Quilt Height 80
Measurement In: Centimeters
Fabric Used Other
Fabric Used - Other Desc. Lienzo antiguo, cotton y organza con imagen
Construction Technique Pieced
Piecing By Machine
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Quilted on domestic machine


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