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Red, Green, Black

Red, Green, Black - I cut varying widths of red and green strips, sewed them into blocks, then cut diagonally. Sorted them, mixed them up, re-assembled them.

Added: Dec 29, 2009


Name of Pattern or Block Crazy Quilt Blocks
Owned By Alice Gann Kaspar
Name of Maker Alice Gann Kaspar
Name of Quilter Alice Gann Kaspar
Year Made 2008
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Ganado
Located in State TX
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Totally Original Design
Design Source - Description I cut varying widths of red and green strips, sewed them into blocks, then cut diagonally. Sorted them, mixed them up, re-assembled them.
Genre Contemporary Quilt
Quilt Type Wall Quilt
Quilt Width 29
Quilt Height 32
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used 100% Commercial Cotton
Construction Technique Pieced
Piecing By Machine
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Quilted on domestic machine


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