DebbieWolf Audreys Dashing Roses - This quilt was the first project my eight-year old granddaughter, Audrey, and I were able to work on together. It was a simple block that allowed her to do much of the sewing. Because it went quickly and she could see fast results, she didn't seem to lose interest. The only thing that was a little too intense for her was sewing the sashing to connect the blocks. The quilt was made with the Art Gallery Fabrics' Dashing Roses Collection. The blocks were sized to 12" and the strips cut wider in order to take advantage of the beautiful prints in the collection. Because we wanted the diamond shapes in the sew and flip technique to stand out, the striped fabric was used consistently in the same place on each block, then the four blocks creating the diamond shape were put together with the brown print fabric. Back is lined in dark brown Minkee.