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"Texas Our Texas"

"Texas Our Texas" - I first saw this quilt at the Houston International Quilt Festival in 1999. I bought the pattern at that time. I am a born and bred Texan and I really like what the designer did with this quilt.

Added: Nov 07, 2009


Name of Pattern or Block "Texas Our Texas"
Owned By Louanne Graeber
Name of Maker Louanne Graeber
Name of Quilter Louanne Graeber
Year Made 2007
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Leander
Located in State TX
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Purchased Pattern
Design Source - Pattern Name Alice Wilhoit
Design Source - Description I first saw this quilt at the Houston International Quilt Festival in 1999. I bought the pattern at that time. I am a born and bred Texan and I really like what the designer did with this quilt.
Genre Art Quilt
Quilt Type Large Quilt
Quilt Width 68
Quilt Height 78
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used 100% Commercial Cotton, Commercial Batiks
Construction Technique Piecing and Applique
Piecing By Machine
Applique by Machine
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted
Embellishments Buttons, Machine Embroidery


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