Momcatmary Dad's Zinnias - There are two blocks one square with a large flower fabric (zinnia) and the other is a nine patch with six squares and one rectangle. Dad only said that he wanted something bright and that is what he got.
Added: Jul 21, 2009
Name of Pattern or Block | seven nines |
Owned By | "Bud" Merritt (Dad) |
Name of Maker | Mary Goedge |
Name of Quilter | Quilty Pleasures |
Year Made | 2008 |
Year Made is: | Certain |
Located in City | Eugene |
Located in State | OR |
Located in Country | US |
Condition of Quilt | Mint |
Design Source | Published Pattern |
Design Source - Published In | Seven nines |
Design Source - Designed by | book - Wilkinson |
Design Source - Description | There are two blocks one square with a large flower fabric (zinnia) and the other is a nine patch with six squares and one rectangle. Dad only said that he wanted something bright and that is what he got. |
Genre | Contemporary Quilt |
Quilt Type | Small Quilt |
Quilt Width | 68 |
Quilt Height | 82 |
Measurement In: | Inches |
Fabric Used | 100% Commercial Cotton |
Construction Technique | Pieced |
Piecing By | Machine |
Applique by | None |
Types of Quilting | Machine Quilted |
Embellishments | None |