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Starburst - This is a result of a class taken with Sally Collins at Empty Spools held at Asilomar Conference in March 2006. We spent two days designing and then piecing using templates.

Added: May 02, 2009


Owned By Vicki
Name of Maker Vicki
Name of Quilter Vicki
Year Made 2007
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Somis
Located in State CA
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Purchased Pattern
Design Source - Pattern Name Sally Collins
Design Source - Description This is a result of a class taken with Sally Collins at Empty Spools held at Asilomar Conference in March 2006. We spent two days designing and then piecing using templates.
Genre Traditional Quilt
Quilt Type Mini Quilt
Quilt Width 23
Quilt Height 23
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used 100% Commercial Cotton
Construction Technique Pieced
Piecing By Machine
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Hand/Machine Quilted


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