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Voor Yentl (for Yentl)

Voor Yentl (for Yentl) - A collegue of mine was pregnant. I wanted to make a babyquilt for her. She liked the idea, and I made her this quilt with Sun Bonnet Sues. In the middle is an empty block. When the baby was born, I received a birthcard, I print that on fabric en appliqued it on the empty space. I made this picture before Yentl was born. My collegue is very anxious that the quilt gets dirty or damaged, so she hardly uses it for its perpose, but I like the idea she treats it like a treasure ;-)

Added: Aug 23, 2007


Name of Pattern or Block Sun Bonnet Sue
Owned By Yentl
Name of Maker miekenoor
Name of Quilter miekenoor
Year Made 2003
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Den Helder
Located in Country NL
Condition of Quilt Excellent
Design Source Traditional Pattern or Block
Design Source - Published In Sun Bonnet Sue
Design Source - Description A collegue of mine was pregnant. I wanted to make a babyquilt for her. She liked the idea, and I made her this quilt with Sun Bonnet Sues. In the middle is an empty block. When the baby was born, I received a birthcard, I print that on fabric en appliqued it on the empty space. I made this picture before Yentl was born. My collegue is very anxious that the quilt gets dirty or damaged, so she hardly uses it for its perpose, but I like the idea she treats it like a treasure ;-)
Genre Traditional Quilt
Quilt Type Baby Quilt
Quilt Width 100
Quilt Height 100
Measurement In: Centimeters
Fabric Used 100% Commercial Cotton
Construction Technique Piecing and Applique
Piecing By Machine
Applique by Machine
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted
Embellishments None


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