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Takumi's Dragon

Takumi's Dragon - This quilt was made from a drawing of a dinosaur made by my nephew, Takumi, at 3 1/2 years old, that I adapted into a dragon. The flames I made from silk fusion, the dragons body is painted and heated tyvek.

Added: Jul 07, 2007


Owned By Liz Tarr
Name of Maker Liz Tarr
Name of Quilter Liz Tarr
Year Made 2006
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Rosemount
Located in State MN
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Totally Original Design
Design Source - Description This quilt was made from a drawing of a dinosaur made by my nephew, Takumi, at 3 1/2 years old, that I adapted into a dragon. The flames I made from silk fusion, the dragons body is painted and heated tyvek.
Genre Art Quilt
Quilt Type Wall Quilt
Quilt Width 12
Quilt Height 12
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used Decorator Fabrics, Other
Fabric Used - Other Desc. painted tyvek, silk fusion
Construction Technique Applique
Piecing By None
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted, Quilted on domestic machine


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