gmthreadworks Finally, The End of the Trail - The pattern combined a story of a woman heading west on the Oregon trail with the instructions -- adding a little whimsy to the effort.
Added: Jul 06, 2007
Name of Pattern or Block | Stitches on the Oregon Trail |
Owned By | Nan Kelley |
Name of Maker | Nan Kelley |
Name of Quilter | Nan Kelley |
Year Made | 2004 |
Year Made is: | Certain |
Located in City | Garden Valley |
Located in State | ID |
Located in Country | US |
Condition of Quilt | Mint |
Design Source | Purchased Pattern |
Design Source - Published In | Oregon Trails |
Design Source - Pattern Name | Kansas Troubles Quilters - LynnHagmeier |
Design Source - Description | The pattern combined a story of a woman heading west on the Oregon trail with the instructions -- adding a little whimsy to the effort. |
Genre | Traditional Quilt |
Quilt Type | Large Quilt |
Quilt Width | 70 |
Quilt Height | 86 |
Measurement In: | Inches |
Fabric Used | 100% Commercial Cotton |
Construction Technique | Piecing and Applique |
Piecing By | Machine |
Applique by | None |
Types of Quilting | Quilted on long-arm |
Embellishments | Hand Embroidery |