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Time for Tea

Time for Tea - I attended a quilt show and came home motivated to design something on graph paper. A card had arrived in the mail that day which inspired me to draw a teapot and freehand some flowers and add the doily.

Added: Jul 03, 2007


Owned By computerlady
Name of Maker computerlady
Name of Quilter computerlady
Year Made 2006
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Knoxville
Located in State TN
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Excellent
Design Source Adapted Original Design
Design Source - Based On Misc. photos, cards
Design Source - Published In Time for Tea
Design Source - Description I attended a quilt show and came home motivated to design something on graph paper. A card had arrived in the mail that day which inspired me to draw a teapot and freehand some flowers and add the doily.
Genre Art Quilt
Quilt Type Wall Quilt
Quilt Width 14
Quilt Height 11
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used 100% Commercial Cotton
Construction Technique Applique
Piecing By None
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted
Embellishments - Other Desc. doily


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