EditorAnne Cyberhugs for Lisa - At the turn of the millennium, I was one of eight web editors and a web publisher, living in five American states and a Canadian province, who worked on a New York-based website called CraftShop.com. When the website disappeared in mid-2000, part of the bursting dot-bubble, we simply restyled ourselves as an international CyberSuccess Team and carried on. We e-mailed one another several times a day to discuss possibilities, overcome challenges, identify opportunities, and enjoy our friendship. Then in 2002 one of our members, Lisa Cahoon, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I sent five-inch squares of a white-on-white fabric to the other members of the team with a request that each use her CraftShop.com specialty to embellish her square. When they came back, I added photo-transferred squares and pieced them together in an original design representing our special network. Lisa was thrilled with the quilt. Sadly, she died only a couple of months after we gave it to her. Today it's one of my most prized possessions.