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Matthew's Gift

Matthew's Gift - Made for my firstborn daughter in memory of her son, Matthew, who always gave her a daffodil for her birthday. He died on May 16, 2003 at age 14.

Added: Apr 16, 2007


Name of Pattern or Block Log Cabin, Annie's Star (in deep purples)
Owned By Robyn Francis
Name of Maker Nolee Feiock
Name of Quilter Two Happy Quilters
Year Made 2007
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Rochester
Located in State NY
Located in Country US
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Traditional Pattern or Block
Design Source - Published In Matthew's Gift
Design Source - Pattern Name Nolee Feiock
Design Source - Description Made for my firstborn daughter in memory of her son, Matthew, who always gave her a daffodil for her birthday. He died on May 16, 2003 at age 14.
Genre Traditional Quilt
Quilt Type Large Quilt
Quilt Width 50
Quilt Height 62
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used 100% Commercial Cotton
Construction Technique Whole Cloth Quilt
Piecing By Machine
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted


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